Place born
Organisation / Person
1669-1734, 1st Baron King, Lord Chancellor, English

King, Peter

1669 - 1734

1638-1715, King of France, known as the Sun King

Louis XIV

1638 - 1715

1634/5-1724, sundial maker; mathematical, optical & scientific instrument maker, England & Paris, France

Butterfield, Michael

1634 - 1724

Perry, John

1670 - 1702

Print maker best-known for his work for the Académie des Sciences.

Le Clerc, Sebastien

1637 - 1714

1668-1749, shipbuilder, English?; British

Acworth, Sir Jacob

1668 - 1749

1649-1713, anatomist, Dutch

Bidloo, Govert

1649 - 1713

1647-1712?, physicist; natural philosopher, French

Papin, Denis


1668-1751, philanthropist; sea captain, English

Coram, Thomas

1668 - 1751

1646-1716, mathematician; philospher, German

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

1646 - 1716

1661-1749, catholic priest; canon, French

Godinot, Jean

1661 - 1749

1670-1715, artist, Swiss

Schmutz, Johann Rudolf

1670 - 1715

1636 or 1637-1702, physician; writer, Dutch

Harvey, Gideon

1636 - 1702

1639-1684, artist; painter, Dutch

Netscher, Caspar

1639 - 1684

1632-1723, merchant; scientist and microscope maker, Dutch

Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van

1632 - 1723

1636 or 1838-1706, physician; anatomist, French, published Nouvelles tables anatomiques, 1678

Bourdon, Amé

1636 - 1706

1637-1651, warship, English

HMS Sovereign of the Seas

1637 - 1651

1650-1909, wholesale chemist; druggist, London, England

Hearon, Squire and Francis Limited

1650 - 1909

1637-1720, Grand Master of the Knights Hospitallers, Spanish

Perellos de Roccaful, Ramon

1637 - 1720

1637-1712, inventor; artist; Dutch

Heyden, Jan van der

1637 - 1712

1667-1745, writer and dean of St Patrick's Cathedarl, Dublin, Irish

Swift, Jonathan

1667 - 1745

1648/9-1724, clock and watchmaker; barometer maker, English; British

Quare, Daniel

1648 - 1724

1635-1715, optician (lens maker) and astronomer, Italian

Campani, Giuseppe

1635 - 1715

1688-1763, mathematical instrument maker; science lecturer, British; English

Hauksbee, Francis

1604 - 1763

1660-1742, physician; privateer, English

Dover, Thomas

1660 - 1704

1638-1675, mathematician; inventor of the reflecting telescope, Scottish

Gregory, James

1638 - 1675

1660-1969, telecommunications company, Britain

General Post Office

1660 - 1969

1661-1737, physician, French

Hecquet, Philippe

1661 - 1737

1632-1704, philosopher; physician, English

Locke, John

1632 - 1704

1647-1730, politician; statesman, English

Finch, Daniel

1647 - 1730

1665-1714, monarch, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland


1665 - 1714

1662-1744, German

Volckamer, Johann George

1662 - 1744

1669-1760, anatomist, active Paris, Danish-born; French

Winslow, Jacques Benigne

1669 - 1760

1639-1715, astronomer; cartographer, Japanese

Shibukawa, Harumi

1639 - 1715

1633-1703, naval official; diarist, British; English

Pepys, Samuel

1633 - 1703

d. 1682, physician; Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris; French

Morand, Antoine-Jean

1640 - 1682

Active 1650-1707, marine painter, Dutch

Van der Velde, Willem

1633 - 1707

1668-1707, doctor; medical researcher; anatomist; pathologist; physician, Croatian-born Armenian

Baglivi, Giorgio

1668 - 1707

1663-1733, naval commander (admiral), British

Byng, Sir George

1663 - 1733

active c1650 - c.1950, printers, London

Smith & Ebbs.


1644-1727, bookseller; benefactor, hospital founder, English

Guy, Thomas

1644 - 1727

1650-1702, Prince of Orange; King of England, Scotland & Ireland

William III

1650 - 1702

1650?-1715, engineer, English

Savery, Thomas

1650 - 1715

1660-1713, natural philosopher; scientific instrument maker, English

Hauksbee, Francis

1660 - 1713

Boerhaave, Herman

1668 - 1738

Sheerness Dockyard

1665 - 1957

Keith, George

1639 - 1716

Lister, Martin

1639 - 1712

Flamsteed, John

1646 - 1719

1642-1717, physician; alchemist; statesman, German

Waitz, Jakob

1642 - 1717